Teeth Veneers

Rendering of jaw with porcelain veneer on tooth
Veneers are thin shells, usually made of resin-composite materials or porcelain, used to restore the natural appearance of discolored, gapped and chipped teeth. At Todd L. Jolly, DMD, we have the expertise, and we are more than happy restore your natural smile.

While this procedure can be used to for various cosmetic adjustments, this is an irreversible process. Thus you must make a critical decision if you want to go on with the treatment. To help you out, you can should our clinics for the best advice.

Types of Veneers

The most common type is the porcelain veneer. The conventional dental veneers demand much preparation compared to non-prep veneers also known as vivaneeres and Lumineers. These two types are less intrusive and require less time to apply.

When applying the conventional veneers, the tooth will have to be ground down. This involves removing part of the tooth, sometimes including the enamel. This gives way for perfect veneer placement. Before the process, we will administer local anesthesia since the process can be painful. On the other hand, non-prep veneers are less intrusive since only the enamel will be removed. Due to reduced intrusion, you’ll not need anesthesia.

At this point, it’s important to note the differences between crowns, implants, and veneers. Implants involve replacing the entire tooth. Veneers encase the front part of the tooth while crowns cover the entire tooth.

Veneer Placement

Before veneer placement, it’s important to visit our clinic for a full diagnosis to get the best treatment. This includes the type of veneer and the number to be placed. There are cases where the teeth may be crooked. In this case, braces will be installed to align them before veneers are placed.

Afterward, we will take x-rays to check on the teeth’s health while looking for gum disease, tooth decay or if you’ll need root canals. Such conditions will disqualify you from veneer placement. If you don’t have any of these conditions, your tooth will be trimmed using a grinding tool to remove the enamel. The veneers will then be created in a dental lab using an impression of your teeth.

The creation will take up to two weeks, and once they’re ready, you can come in for placement. The placement process involves confirming the shape, fit and color of the veneers. Next, your teeth will be cleaned to prevent decay-causing bacteria.

Grinding will then take place to roughen the tooth to allow for easier veneer attachment. Using special cement, the tooth and the veneer will be bonded. To harden the cement, a special ultraviolet light will be used. This is your final appointment, and it should take no more than 2 hours to complete although an extra 30 minutes may be required to administer local anesthetic.

After veneer placement, you can expect them to last anywhere from 7 to 15 years, but this will depend on your oral habits including biting on hard objects, playing high-contact sports and grinding on our teeth at night, among others.

Schedule Your Consultation Now!

Find out if you are a candidate for dental veneers or composite bonding! Call (973) 235-0333 to schedule your consultation appointment now!


629 Franklin Ave
Nutley, NJ 07110-1209


(973) 235-0333


Mon 10:00am - 8:00pm
Tue 9:00am - 6:00pm
Wed 7:00am - 4:00pm

Thur, Fri, and Sat Closed

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Teeth Veneers Nutley, NJ • Todd Jolly, DMD
Restore Your Smile! If you are interested in Teeth Veneers in a friendly & relaxed environment call Todd Jolly, DMD, in Nutley, NJ, Today.
Todd Jolly DMD, 629 Franklin Ave, Nutley, NJ 07110-1209 - (973) 235-0333 - drtoddjolly.com - 1/31/2025